Sweetwater Mansion- Florence, AL

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Courtesy of Wikipedia

One of the most intriguing places to me in Florence is Sweetwater Mansion. I found it by accident. When I first moved to Florence, I was constantly using GPS to get everywhere. One day, while I was on Google Maps, I saw this little icon that said Sweetwater Mansion and it caught my attention.

After doing some research, I found out that it was a plantation home that was completed in 1835. It was built on the site of Sweetwater Creek which is just below the house. While researching, I found out that it was also haunted. The biggest story that comes from this house is once a caretaker saw a casket laid out in a downstairs room. With further investigation, she noticed that there was a man, who looked to be a Confederate solider in it.

I never got to go to this mansion, even though I wanted to. They no longer do tours because the current owners have encountered guests who have tried to take items, break items, and some even try to do Satanic rituals. There is also no road access to it any longer, and they have cameras posted all through the home and the land surrounding it.

While driving down Florence Boulevard during the winter, if you look really close you can catch an outline of the house through the trees, and I guess that is as close as I will ever get to Sweetwater Mansion.

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